Monday, 20 August 2007

WP Youth Wing Conference 2007

The WPYW Conference was held on 19th August 2007, a new batch of exco had been elected. Well, maybe not the whole batch, half of the YW Exco had stepped down and was replaced by newly elected ones.

We also had a new YW VP, that is Choong Yong. Congratulations, Choong Yong! I'm sure you can deliver :)

During the election, it brought back memories to me. One year ago, I was like the rest of the nominated candidates, blur and confused. By the way, I was one of the Exco that stayed in the Exco.

And now, let me present to you the new WPYW team...

From left to right (back): Faisal, Anthony, myself, Bernard & Hidayat ... Julia Goh (cannot see her, look carefully again!)

From left to right (front): Vice President - Choong Yong, President - Perry & Secretary - Glenda

Heehee and now for the other side of WPYW Exco:

From left to right (back): Aloof Faisal, Piggy Lilian, Violent Anthony, Mafia Hidayat & a disappearing Julia Goh...still cannot see her? Try harder...

From left to right (front): Grumpy Choong Yong, Cool Perry, Murderous Glenda & Distorted Bernard


Anonymous said...

I was telling Glenda yesterday that it's good to see you guys having fun.. :)

Congratulations to Hidayat, Julia and Anthony for being elected into the Exco!

I for one am looking forward to this new year.. :)

And oh, congrats to you too, Lilian... :)

Anonymous said...

With Titles come responsibility.
Hope all 3 of you live up to what a WPYW exco member should truly be and live up to your promises.

Thank you for visiting