Thursday, 30 October 2008

Mc Cain feels that all women need is more education and training...

This is another reason why probably most women in the States will NOT vote for Mc Cain.

This is an advertisement on women's pay:

Mc Cain opposes equal pay law because its extra burden on the business... Well honestly, even if he thinks so he still should not have expressed it out. It had definitely pissed off most women and I'm one of them.

Women had always played an important role in a country's economy. In the past, we were house-keepers. In the modern age, there are as many women as compared to men who are taking on the leadership role. As the saying goes, ' Behind every successful man, there is a woman.' Therefore opposing equal pay law is so discriminating and it is especially so for Single mothers.

Below is a comparison on the differing policies that both Obama and Mc Cain have with regards to women and work. (Source:



Minimum Wage

  • Voted consistently to increase the minimum wage.

  • Supports an annual cost of living adjustment (COLA).

Minimum Wage

  • Voted against increasing the minimum wage 19 times before he finally voted for it because it included business tax cuts.

Social Security

  • Opposes privatizing social security.

  • Opposes raising retirement age.

  • Supports raising taxes for those who make more than $250,000 to keep social security strong.

Social Security

  • Supports privatizing social security.

  • Will consider raising retirement age and cost of living cuts.

Family and Medical Leave

  • Supports paid Family and Medical Leave (FMLA).

  • Supports expanding FMLA coverage. Currently FMLA is unpaid - FMLA covers only 47% of private sector employees.

Family and Medical Leave

  • Voted to gut FMLA before he voted for it.

  • Opposes expanding FMLA coverage, calls it "a big government solution,"and says it should be negotiated between employers and workers.

Paid Sick Leave

  • Supports 7 days paid sick leave guarantee for workers. Currently half of all women workers have no paid sick leave.

Paid Sick Leave

  • Opposes paid sick leave guarantee Opposes employer mandates.

Fair Pay

  • Co-sponsored and voted for Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act to reverse the Roberts Supreme Court decision on sex discrimination. (2008)

Fair Pay

  • Opposes Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act, which was filibustered by a majority of Republicans.

Affirmative Action

  • Supports affirmative action in public contracting for women-owned and/or minority-owned businesses, and for women and minorities in public employment and public education.

Affirmative Action

  • Opposes affirmative action; calls it “quotas” although quotas are forbidden by law.

  • McCain backed a ballot measure proposed for the 2008 Arizona ballot that would have amended the state constitution to ban affirmative action for women and minorities in public education, public employment, and public contracting. It was removed from the ballot because of challenges to required signatures.

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