The Workers' Party Chairman, or rather Chairlady was invited by SCWO (Singapore Council of Womens' Organization) to their premises for a speech. Topic of the speech was 'Leadership'.
I was among one of the invited guest. Upon reaching, the President of the Organization volunteered to bring us around the place. Its a condusive 4 storey high building with nearly everything in order. The last storey is for housing women who ran away from home due to reasons like abusive husband, etc. Yes, it serves as a temporary hide-out for women who have no one to turn to.
Close to about 60 women turned up for this speech. Both members and public have to buy tickets to be seated there. It was a good turn-out and the speech kicked off at about 10mins after 7pm. Chairman touched on how she joined the party, the decision to take up the Chairman responsibility and pitfalls of leadership. She also cited a few examples of leaders whom to her had displayed good leadership skills. The session ended with a Q & A Session, the ladies were pretty responsive towards it.
The night ended with light buffet dinner held in an open area. During dinner, we had the privilege of conversing with the first President of 'AWARE'(Association of Women for Action & Research). She was sharing with us on the disadvantages of certain laws that were passed down from the government with regards to women who were abused. Much were debated on that and very soon she has to leave. With that, I remembered some time ago last year, Perry Tong, WP Youth Wing President, was invited as a speaker to the 'White Ribbon' project, which was a subcomm of 'AWARE'. At around 9.15pm we left SCWO which was a fruitful session with ideas being exchanged and communicated.